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SIKO Consultants cc (SIKO) has access to major clients by virtue of their Affirmable Business Enterprise (ABE) status. In order to provide the additional resources, expertise and experience required to undertake a project of magnitude it is essential to partner with an established practice.

BFBA Consultants (Pty) Ltd (BFBA) on the other hand have been established since 1955 and have offices nationally. Both companies were looking to the future and agreed to pursue common ground for ongoing co-operation in the form of Strategic Alliance. On this basis works have been completed since 1999 and include the Grand West Casino & Entertainment World project, in Goodwood.
From this association and Strategic Alliance IFINDO Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd (IFINDO) has been formed.The synergy between the companies is reflected in the track record to date.
IFINDO offers the full spectrum of Consulting Services covering all stages of the project including reporting, design, supervision, cost monitoring and quality control in the fields of Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering.

Ifindo has a two thirds majority shareholding of suitably technically qualified previously disadvantaged individuals. This tangibly addresses empowerment by way of ownership and mentoring programs, but also assures capacity and competence by way of association.
Denzil Stober
Position- Director
Founding Director of SIKO


Siphiwo Mahote
Position- Director
Founding Director of SIKO

Ralph Thomas
Position- Exec Director/ Branch manager
Joined BFBA in 1986, became partner in 1989

  ©2012 Ifindo Consulting Electrical & Mechanical Engineers